Spinal Fusion Surgery For Scoliosis

Spinal fusion for scoliosis requires using medical-grade rods, screws, plates and wires to attach the curved part of the spine and help to straighten it. Small pieces of graft bones are also used to help the fusion. The pieces of the bone graft will grow between the two vertebras and join them eventually into the desired position. This is a major form of surgery and requires several hours of operation time.
There are new and advanced variations of performing this surgical procedure. The techniques, as well as equipments for the surgery, may also vary. The approach may also differ, as the surgeon might make an incision in the back or the front according to the location of the damaged vertebra so as to avoid damage to the soft tissue and nerves surrounding the vertebras. The surgical approach requiring an incision in the back is called the ‘posterior approach’ while the surgery needing an incision in the front (lower abdomen) is known as the ‘anterior approach’.
The exact type of treatment technique mainly depends on the age, maturity of the spine as well as the locationand severity of the spinal curve.

What to Expect after a Spinal Fusion for Scoliosis?

Antibiotics will be administered from the beginning of the surgical procedure to around 48 hours post-surgery to avoid the risk of infections at the surgical site.
Most people are required to spend a few days recovering at the hospital as their movements gradually improve. Brace for the back might also be needed after certain surgical methods.
The pain also gets alleviated faster with painkillers prescribed by the doctor and the person is able to get back to work within 1-2 weeks after the surgery.

What to Avoid after Scoliosis Surgery?

Heavy lifting, extreme bending and excessive stooping and twisting should be avoided for the first few weeks. Additional rest should be taken at home. Competitive sports that might put stress on the back should also be avoided for around 6-12 months post-surgery.

What is the Need of Spinal Fusion for Scoliosis?

Spinal fusion surgery for scoliosis is needed when:

1. The child has moderate to severe curve caused by scoliosis and the condition is worsening with time
2. Pain disables your ability to perform everyday tasks
3. Bracing does not help
4. Age, skeletal maturity level and the status of puberty of the patient
5. Location of the curve in the spine
6. Trouble breathing with disabling back pain
7. Very young child displays curve in spine which is abnormal 

How Successful is Spinal Fusion Surgery?

The success of the scoliosis surgery mainly depends on the flexibility of the curve as well as the technique used.
Extensive use of medical-aids (such as rods, screws, plates and wires) results in significant improvement in the shape of the spine when seen from the back and the sides.
The main aim of the spinal fusion surgery for scoliosis is not to straighten the spine but to fuse the damaged vertebras together to prevent further worsening of the curve.
Spinal fusion surgery for scoliosis helps to relieve the back pain almost immediately in most adults.

Why Choose Travcure for Scoliosis Surgery in India?

India is known for having the world’s largest and most comprehensive healthcare network. These are highly advanced and modern medical facilities that are equipped with the latest and cutting-edge technology for efficiency and effectiveness. Travcure is well-connected to this vast healthcare network and provides each patient from abroad with the most effective and affordable spinal fusion surgery for scoliosis in India.

SOURCE: https://travcure.com/get-the-most-effective-and-affordable-spinal-fusion-for-scoliosis-in-india/

Affordable Fertility Treatments for Women in India

Motherhood is, surely, the most beautiful blessing that a woman has got from nature. Unfortunately, not every woman is lucky enough to experience the magical nine months journey. Sedentary lifestyle changes, improper eating habits, and environmental factors have become the major culprits that may affect a woman’s ability to conceive. It can be a traumatic experience for a woman who did not get success in getting pregnant despite several attempts. There is a good news for all the lovely ladies facing a similar situation. Thanks to the advancement in medical science, fertility issues can be resolved successfully with the help of modern interventions. 

Fertility Treatments for Women in India

What Treatment Options are Available for Me?

It is natural for you to feel disheartened at this point of time. Just keep patience and talk to an experienced doctor regarding the most suitable treatment option for you. Here is a list of some major fertility treatments that can help you. 

  • Fertility Drugs - Sometimes, ovulation disorders may become a barrier in natural pregnancy. There are various drugs that can help in minimizing such issues to a greater extent. Your doctor may prescribe required medicines if ovulation disorder is the root cause of your current health status.
  • Hysteroscopic Surgery - Your doctor may opt for a hysteroscopic surgery if you are experiencing fertility issue due to an underlying uterine ailment. You should clearly discuss your doubts prior commencing to this surgery.
  • In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) - IVF has become a popular fertility treatment nowadays due to its effectiveness. It can prove to be highly advantageous for women who have overpassed the age of 35. Your doctor will conduct a complete health checkup to figure out your eligibility for the procedure. An IVF treatment will be performed in several steps. Your doctor will take out your egg with a simple medical procedure. At the same time, sperm obtained from your partner or a donor will also be taken. Both the sperm and egg will be sent to a specialized laboratory for carrying out artificial fertilization process. You will have to wait until the embryos get developed. Your doctor will implant the obtained embryo in your uterus to accelerate chances of pregnancy. 

Where Can I Get Best Fertility Treatment At Affordable Cost?

You must have heard of Indian country, which is also touted as best medical tourism destination nowadays. You may opt for fertility treatment in India as it provides high-quality fertility treatments at cost-effective rates. Majority of Indian hospitals offer a large range of fertility solutions including an IVF at affordable prices. As a matter of fact, IVF treatment cost in India is just a fraction of total money which is normally charged in western countries like Norway and Canada. In addition to this, success record of fertility treatment in India is also high. Therefore, you can contact medical facilitators and avail finest fertility treatment in India. 


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10 Lung Cancer Myths & Facts

Lung cancer is one of the most fatal cancers which effects mankind. Separating facts from fiction will therefore be very helpful in avoiding the disease or for seeking timely lung cancer treatment. Ten of the most common myths which circulate are listed below.

Myth #1 – Only people who smoke can get lung cancer.

Fact – This is not true; in fact majority of patients who are found to develop lung cancer are people who have given up smoking. Moreover, 10 percent of all lung cancer cases & about 20 percent of women lung cancer cases are found in people who have never smoked throughout their lives.

Myth #2 – More number of women, are found to die from breast cancer in comparison with lung cancer.

Fact – This is untrue & lung cancer in fact is an equal-opportunity disease. More women are found to die of lung cancer than other types of cancer. Moreover, almost half of all lung cancer cases typically occur in women patients.

Myth #3 – There is absolutely nothing a person can do in order to lower risk of developing lung cancer.

Fact – Avoiding smoking can definitely lower risk of a person developing lung cancer. Even awareness about other factors which raise or lower risk of lung cancer will be helpful. Moreover, environmental exposure to radon gas will also increase risk along with occupational exposures at workplace accounting between 13 – 29 percent of lung cancer which are found to occur in men. Nevertheless, healthy diet & regular exercise are found to lower risk of developing lung cancer.

Myth #4 – Since fewer people are smoking nowadays, there is a decline in lung cancer cases.

Fact – This is true but it is however based upon the gender. Lung cancer rates during the past decade have decreased by 1.8 percent per year among males but have increased by about 0.5 percent per year among women.

Myth #5 – Living in a polluted city or polluted environment is a bigger risk than smoking.

Fact – Although, exposure to air pollution & diesel exhausts increases risk of a person developing lung cancer, it is still a smaller risk than indulging in smoking cigarettes.

Myth #6 – Quitting smoking will not help when a person already is having lung cancer.

Fact – There are many reasons to quit smoking in the first place when a person is diagnosed with lung cancer. Moreover, giving up on smoking will also improve chances of lung cancer treatments & make them more effective while lowering risk of dying from lung cancer as well.

Myth #7 – Young people do not get lung cancer.

Fact – This is not true although lung cancer is found to occur more among older people. However, lung cancer can also occur in children & young people. Bronchioloalveolar Cancer (BAC) is a type of lung cancer which increasingly appears among younger women who do not smoke.

Myth #8 – Lung cancer treatment is unfeasible among older patients.

Fact – It is non-sensible to assume that chronological age alone can determine whether to undergo lung cancer treatment. Irrespective of the age factor, young people at heart are most often able to tolerate chemotherapy as good as their younger counterparts & be able to have similar quality of life after lung cancer treatment. Moreover, how well a patient is able to perform normal everyday activities is a better indicator of how a person may tolerate lung cancer treatment.

Myth #9 – Lung cancer surgery will cause the cancer to spread.

Fact – This is a common belief among African Americans that when lung cancer is exposed to air will eventually spread & so surgery as lung cancer treatment may be a dangerous option. However, the truth is that surgery as lung cancer treatment will not cause it to spread & moreover surgery can also be helpful in curing the disease in early stages of the disease.

Myth #10 – Lung cancer invariably has a fatal ending.

Fact – The fact is that majority of people diagnosed with lung cancer happen to be at a stage which is beyond a possible cure & overall survival rates therefore are not encouraging. Nevertheless, lung cancer treatment is still possible even in absence of a cure. Moreover, lung cancer treatments quite often not only help in extending life of the patient but also significantly lessen symptoms of cancer as well.

Affordable Lung Cancer Treatments in India

Apart from being reasonably priced, lung cancer treatments in India are of top quality & comparable with the best that is available in the world. Along with reliable lung cancer treatments, India offers expert healthcare solutions for all kinds of cancers including breast cancer, brain cancer, liver cancer, bladder cancer, cervical cancer & prostate cancer. Presently, India is a globally favorite medical tourism destination for international patients seeking a wide-spectrum of excellent & affordable medical procedures in other countries for their issues with health. 

Laser Spine Surgery Vs Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

To begin with, laser spine surgery is still a controversial subject whereas minimally invasive spine surgery is well established & practiced by many orthopedic surgeons. Since there are several misconceptions regarding laser spine surgery, it would be right that we understand what it is before making an informed assessment.

What is Laser Spine Surgery?

Quite often used alongside minimally invasive surgery, laser spine surgery claims to be more efficient & effective than the other. This procedure utilizes laser to cut through in place of the scalpel which is used in traditional procedures. Nevertheless, laser spine surgery also requires an incision so as to insert the laser into the appropriate operation site. This laser is subsequently utilized for removal of soft tissues which are causing herniated disc symptoms. Moreover, lasers only play a small part in the laser spine surgery operation, wherein other operating tools are also required for removal of bone & ligaments.

What is Minimally Invasive Surgery?

Basic goal of minimally invasive surgery is to minimize trauma to surrounding tissue around spine & thereby result in less blood loss, lesser pain along with faster recovery. This is typically achieved by performing the operation through small sized incisions, using an endoscope or operating microscope in order to closely view structures within spine. While the endoscope probes through one small incision, special tiny operating instruments are inserted through another small incision. Muscles are separated through natural planes since they run vertically along back in order to gain access to spine. Healing time is therefore greatly reduced this way in comparison with traditional open spine surgery.

Choosing Between Laser Back Surgery or Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Although laser spine surgery can be effective for some spine surgeries, it may not be able to achieve successful results in treatment of lumbar disc herniation. However, minimally invasive surgery is able to prove effective in many cases of spinal problems, though tradition open procedures may be required in others. Moreover, since laser is a straight beam of light, it may at times be difficult to maneuver around corners in order to reach appropriate operation sites.

Affordable Laser Spine Surgery in India

India is an excellent destination for international patients to undergo affordable spine surgery at affordable costs, especially for laser spine surgery which is very expensive in other parts of the world. Nevertheless, all types of spine surgeries in India are low cost without compromising on quality of the procedure. Spine surgeons in India are well experienced & globally renowned to be highly skilled in performing the most complex orthopedic operations.

Spinal Fusion Surgery: All You Should Know About

Spinal fusion surgery is a medical intervention performed to stabilize spine by alleviating harsh pain. During this procedure, spine surgeons join two or more spinal vertebrae to minimize pressure on spinal nerve. It provides relief by restricting discomforting spinal movement. Around 70 % of working professionals experience back problems at some point of time. But not every patient with persisting back pain needs a spine fusion surgery. Spinal fusion surgery is mostly suggested after proper evaluation of underlying spine health.

When is Spinal Fusion Surgery Needed?

Surgeons may prescribe essential medications or suggest physical therapy at first. If all other treatment methods fail to provide relief, then surgery is a good option. Spinal fusion surgery may be needed when patients are experiencing the following back problems from a prolonged period of time.
1. Spondylolisthesis
2. Degenerative disc disease
3. Spinal stenosis
4. Spinal fracture
5. Scoliosis
6. Spine infection
7. Spinal tumor
8. Herniated disc

Risks & Complications Associated with Spinal Fusion Surgery

Some of the potential risks & complications associated with spinal fusion surgery are described below.
1. Reaction to medicines
2. Breathing trouble
3. Heavy bleeding
4. Condition of pseudo arthritis
5. Discomforting pain at the bone graft site
6. Damage to metal implants
7. Clotting of blood
8. Spinal nerve injury
9. Graft rejection
10. Severe infection
11. Failure of procedure
Patients should seek a prompt medical treatment if they experience these signs & symptoms following spinal fusion procedure.

Recovery Following Spinal Fusion Surgery

Usually, patients need to stay in hospital for 1 - 3 days following spinal fusion surgery. Patients may feel uneasiness for few days due to back pain. Spine surgeons will definitely prescribe important pain relievers to minimize it. Spinal vertebrae may take a couple of months to become stable. Until the time, patients should do light exercises & follow all the directions of respective spine surgeons to aid a faster recovery. Doctors will recommend physical therapy once patients attain spinal strength. It may take 4- 6 months for a complete recovery.

Cost-Effective Spinal Fusion Surgery in India

India has become one of the major healthcare travel destination across the world. Billions of international patients visit India for availing medical services every year. Majority of multi-speciality hospitals in India provide a large range of supreme quality spine treatment & surgeries including spinal fusion at economical rates. Spinal fusion surgery cost in India is extremely less as compared to other nations. It costs only one-third of total amount that one may have to give out in western countries like United Kingdom, New Zealand or Australia. India is indeed a great choice for international patients seeking best spinal fusion surgery.

Who Needs Hip Replacement Surgery?

Painful hips can affect the back & cause trouble doing regular activities like sitting, walking or merely standing. Nearly 6 million people suffer from painful hip condition & fractures every year world-wide. Most common condition that leads to painful hip joint is arthritis disease. Physical therapy & medications can help to relieve the sharp pain. However, if these methods fail to alleviate the pain, then hip surgery can be a good option. Hip Replacement Surgery is a medical intervention to replace the damaged and painful hip joint with an artificial joint. It is usually performed to restore the functionality of hip. It efficiently maximizes patient’s range of motion

Types of Hip Replacement Surgery

Orthopedic surgeons may recommend hip replacement surgery depending on patient’s health condition. Main types of hip replacement surgeries are elaborated below.

1. Total Hip Replacement Surgery - Also known as ‘hip arthroplasty’, hip replacement is a surgical procedure in which surgeon replaces acetabulum (it connects hip joint with pelvis) as well as femoral head (upper part of thigh bone) of hip joint.

2. Partial Hip Replacement Surgery - Partial hip replacement is also referred to as ‘hemiarthroplasty’. During this procedure, only the impaired femoral head is replaced with an artificial prosthetic component.

These procedures are mostly performed to treat hip pain due to hip trauma & conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis & osteonecrosis.

Hip Replacement Recovery

Patients may need to stay 2 – 3 days in hospital following hip replacement surgery. During these days, orthopedic surgeons will monitor patient’s health status. Patients may experience discomfort & pain for few days. Orthopedic surgeons will prescribe essential medicines & drugs to help patient. Surgeons may also recommend light exercises & physical therapy after a couple of weeks. Hip replacement recovery may take 1 – 3 months of time span. Patients should follow instructions given by surgeons in order to recover faster.

Benefits of Hip Replacement Surgery in India

India is one of the major medical tourism hubs across the world. Massive range of hospitals and clinics in India provide a quality hip replacement procedures. Indian orthopedic surgeons are highly talented & well-experienced in handling any type of hip replacement procedure. Furthermore, hip replacement surgery cost in India is quite reasonable. Overseas patients can save up to 70 % of their money by availing medical treatments in India. India is indeed the best choice for international patients seeking cost-effective & excellent hip surgery treatments.

Types of Spine Surgeries for Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common complaints of people from all parts of the world. It is a very painful & uncomfortable condition which is usually not serious but one of the main reasons which forces people away from work & makes them visit doctors. Back pain is found to affect people of all ages. However, it is most common among people between 35 to 55 years of age. Research suggests that back pain is typically associated with how our ligaments, muscles & bones of the back work together. Pain in the upper back region is usually due to spine inflammation, tumors in chest region & disorders of the aorta. Reason for pain in low back area is due to skin around lumbar region, pelvic & abdominal internal organs, low-back muscles, nerves & spinal cord, discs & ligaments around spine, discs between vertebrae & the bony portion of lumbar spine.

Types of Spine Surgeries

There are three main types of spine surgeries performed for a number of back pain problems. These include the following.
1. LaminectomyRemoval of lamina or the back portion of bone over the spinal column is called laminectomy. This is most often performed for relieving pinched nerves (compression at nerve roots). This can at times happen to one or more than one nerve roots within the spinal column. Pinched nerves often cause pain in the back as well as in legs. In order to relieve pressure a segment of the entire lamina is sometimes removed.
2. DiscectomyThis spine surgery involves removal of herniated vertebral disc in part or full. The procedure involves cutting of the outer annulus fibrosis at first while removing nucleus pulposus in order to relieve pressure on nerve root. Dissection is subsequently performed for removing ligament running from front to back for accessing spinal canal. Protruding disc material or any bone spurs are then removed through the ligament.
3. Spinal Fusion This spine surgery procedure permanently fuses one or more than vertebrae. This will allow stability at that segment & correct deformity so as to relieve pain. For this purpose orthopedic surgeons usually harvest small pieces of bone from pelvic or hip region. This is meant to be placed between vertebrae. Spinal fusion operation may then go on to involve plates, metal cages, screws, rods or wires in order to provide immediate stability in many cases.

Affordable Spine Surgery in India

Spine surgery cost in India is unbelievably low when compared to similar procedures in the developed western world without having to compromise on quality. Apart from spine surgery costs, spine surgeons in India are some of the best in the world & many of whom have in fact initially trained & experienced in medically advanced countries like United Kingdom, Canada & the United States. Undergoing spine surgeries in India therefore is an excellent choice for international patients seeking affordable healthcare solutions beyond their homeland.