Types of Hip Replacement Surgeries

There are two main types of hip replacement operations involving a number of different components and surgical techniques that can be employed for the purpose.

Hip Replacement Surgery Procedures

Total hip replacement surgery procedure involves removing part of the thigh bone including the head of femur and replacing it with a smaller artificial ball which is fixed into the remaining thigh bone. Then, the surface of the existing socket in pelvis is roughened so as to accept the new artificial socket component which will articulate with the new ball component. There are a number of artificial hip replacement components which are required to be fixed in bone with acrylic cement, although these components are nowadays more commonly inserted without cement in young and more active patients. However, surfaces of hip joint implants are roughened or specially treated to encourage bone growth inside them in case cement is not being used. Moreover, since bone is a living tissue and as long as it is healthy and strong, it will continue to renew over time and eventually create a long lasting bond. Hip replacement surgery procedure where only one portion of the implant is fixed with cement is called a hybrid hip replacement.

Hip Replacement Surgeries

Artificial hip replacement components can be made of polyethylene plastic, ceramic or metal and can also be used in varying combinations. Some of these common combinations are listed below.
  • Metal-on-Plastic - This is the most widely used hip replacement surgery procedure combination which involves a metal ball with a plastic socket.
  • Ceramic-on-Plastic - This can either be a ceramic ball with a plastic socket or even ceramic-on-ceramic involving both parts made of ceramic. These types of artificial hip replacement joint implants are most often used among younger and more active patients.
  • Metal-on-Metal - This artificial hip joint replacement implant involves a metal ball along with a metallic socket. This type of hip replacement implant is occasionally used among young and more active patients.

Metal-on-Metal Hip Resurfacing

Resurfacing the original hip socket along with the ball of thighbone is another type of hip replacement surgery procedure. In place of removing the femoral head of the thighbone and replacing with an artificial ball, a hollow metal cap is fitted over the head of the thighbone in the hip resurfacing procedure. The socket part of the hip joint is also resurfaced with another metal component in this procedure. Moreover, people undergoing hip resurfacing procedure have low risk of dislocation and are therefore able to return to higher levels of physical activity when compared with those patients having undergone conventional hip replacement surgery procedures.

Risks & Complications with Metal-on-Metal Hip (MoM) Resurfacing Surgery

MoM hip surfacing surgery is linked with release of metal particles from artificial joint replacement materials and which often cause local inflammatory reactions imparting unknown effects on the general health of patients. Complication rates are also particularly high among older patients and women who have undergone MoM hip resurfacing procedures. This is the reason why this procedure is not suitable for people having osteoporosis or low bone density where bones are usually weak. Moreover, very little is known about long-term performance of MoM hip resurfacing joints as this technique is fairly new and has not long been used as total hip replacement procedure.

Success Rate of Hip Replacement Surgery

Success rate of hip replacement surgery is very high with more than 95 percent of the patients experiencing good relief from hip pain. Success rate of hip replacement surgery after 10 years span is 90 - 95 percent and after 20 years span is about 80 - 85 percent. Moreover, if a hip replacement surgery implant loosens or wears away, revision procedure to a new hip replacement is always possible. Newer and modern artificial hip joint implants are meant to last for 15 years or more. But then, there is always a small amount of risk that these joints may need some adjusting in between this time and may therefore call for further surgery in order to repair or replace the joint.

Low Cost Hip Replacement Surgery in India

Hip replacement surgery in India is an exciting opportunity for the international patient who is finding it difficult to afford the price of hip replacement procedure in his/her homeland. While the quality of artificial hip joint is excellent, hip replacement surgery cost in India adds to fact that healthcare services in this country have come of age and it is not any coincidence that India has undeniably emerged as a leading global medical tourism destination. Healthcare industry in India features a large pool of orthopedists and orthopedic surgeons and an extensive network of accredited multispecialty hospital facilities committed to adhere to international standards of excellence.


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